Experience & Education

1 Year 2018
Cert III of IT, Digital Media and Technology

In this role I was working with the IT Support team of MacGregor State Highschool - Ensuring routine system maintenance was performed regularly and correctly. Often working on my own or with a team of two other technicians we would rollout system upgrades of both software and hardware.

1 Year 2019
Diploma of Software Development

TAFE QLD provided an excellent mixture of hands-on practical teaching methods and theoretical information. This opportunity gave me the necessary concepts to begin my future studies at university.

2 Years 2021
Bachelor Degree Information Technology

This degree granted the necessary skills in both theoretical knowledge and practical experience which I will use later in my software development career. Making use of group activities to not only complete assigned tasks but also network with like-minded peers

Current 2021
PKUP | Social Media Manager

In this role I undertook the responsibility of planning social media content; to ensure the content was relevant I also researched similar brands to see their methods of content delivery.